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Unfortunately, this policy has not found much good fortune at Naugatuck High School. Mrs. Mariano, statistics math teacher, when asked if she has found luck in the existing homework policy in the math branch, said, "No, I find that less students do their homework now that it is just as five %". Not only has the mathematics branch found this new policy data assignment be unsuccessful, however the technological know-how department has also found that the homework policy has had facts poor effect on whether or not information scholar will finished his or her homework. Mrs. Lancaster, data science teacher, when asked an analogous question, spoke back saying "I would say that during my upper level classes that there are more students not finishing their homework because their not for the reason that it's weighed as much". Homework is important in the studying technique of facts scholar. Homework is practice, it reinforces studying, and speeds up statistics pupil's mastery of genuine skills. In fact, analysis has found that highschool students feel as though homework has records advantageous influence on achievement in records class or on an assessment Homework. In order data project attain the maximum benefits from homework, expanding the percentage at which homework counts for records grade would encourage more scholars facts assignment get it done. In addition, in facts survey performed at Naugatuck High School, over half of the students who participated either said yes or even when asked if a rise in the load of homework would motivate them more statistics project complete it.

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